Saturday 8 September 1990

About me

My name is Aisha, my friends call me Ash. Some people may think its a strange nickname since it doesn't really match my name -I don't particularly care I like Ash as a name.

I'm 18 years old, although sometimes I have the temperament of a five year old. I would essentially describe myself as two images. One of which people perceive on impact. The second image is that of the person inside which shocks a lot of people. I am sort of like the weather, unpredictable yet predictable by the changing colours of my appearance.

Here are some things about me which may interest you, if not they may provide you with some information about my character. First of all I have a tattoo on my right wrist of a flaming star. My tattoo means success and failure to me. I designed it myself.
I plan to have another tattoo on my should blade of phoenix. Explained in 'realisations of a phoenix'.

Like most people my past times include reading. I like all genres of books but my favourite is "The Shadow of the Wind". Another past time is one I most likely share with girls-kind, shopping.I am blessed to be able to shop all day, every day without growing tired.

Other hobbies include photography, art and poetry.